We've been waiting
Finally, You've Arrived!
Hi. I’m Jack Nagle. If we’re getting formal, I’m the founder of Connection Based Living.
I’m thrilled to welcome you to our community. Your arrival is long overdue, and I’m excited that you’re here with us now.
Let’s not beat around the bush – you’re here because you’re hungry for change.
You’re looking for a way to overcome addiction, to take back control of your life, and to create a brighter future for yourself.
Not hear my life story.
If you are interested in that (and I’m flattered, really), here’s the short version…
Once upon a time, to put it politely, I was f*cked on drugs…
Then, I went to rehab and got better, BUT there was lots of stuff I didn’t like and didn’t find helpful about rehab.
I then went on to work in big national rehabs myself and that’s where I discovered the fundamental floors of the rehab approach,
Simply, It doesn’t work for most people…
That’s because it’s a false environment, pulls people away from their support networks like family and employs a one size fits all approach.
So that’s where Connection Based Living was born – a revolutionary platform designed to help individuals just like you not only break free from addiction but also cultivate a life full of peace and contentment in all life domains.
I started this company with nothing but a determination to make a difference and help people discover the secrets to deep healing that I’ve been lucky enough to uncover.
ok, so enough about us,
I want to know more about you
Our Ethos

Connection to Self
The first step to Connection Based Living is to remove the internal blockages that have been created through drug and alcohol-use and addiction.

Connection to Others
When studying success in any domain: self-development, sport, business, spirituality, academic studies, art, science or anything else, we have found another universal truth - the people that you spend time with matter!

Connection to Purpose
Growth is necessary to happiness and fulfilment. Aligning and connecting to something greater, to a higher meaning, a forgotten passion or a distant dream is the third secret to unlocking contentment and joy across all life domains.

Recovery Happiness
Our definition of recovery is, being happy, feeling happy and achieve peace and contentment across all life domains. When you put the 3 key pillars of Connection Based Living all together recovery and happiness all comes together.
A Shift In Lifestyle
Connection Based Living is a recovery system that is a simple way of living to break addictive patterns and live a happy and meaningful life across all life domains.
Recovery doesn’t happen by mistake, there is a specific formula that when applied, facilitates recovery transformation and changed lives: a process we call “Connection Based Living”.

Our Dedication To Innovation & Outcomes
Connection Based Living does everything we can to be evidence-informed rather than evidence limited. This means that our programs are developed with evidence-based practices however also incorporate new and innovative practices to ensure that our services are always at the cutting edge.
Our programs incorporate Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Motivational Interviewing (MI) and all our staff are professionally qualified in their appropriate disciplines.
Above all else, we take a humanistic approach and because of our foundations of lived experience, we understand that effective treatment starts with the intangibles: empathy, honesty, care and trust, because without this the treatment process doesn’t and cannot happen.
Connection Based Living’s treatment programs are 100% privately owned and operated, with no hidden costs and a dedication to excellence and transparency.
Unfortunately, some unscrupulous providers exist in the addiction treatment industry, taking advantage of vulnerable individuals and families desperate for help.
Saddened by this fact, we are committed to showing leadership in the private sector through ongoing self-funded independent evaluation, evidence and outcome measurement data collection and quality standard adherence.
We believe in our programs so much and our ability to deliver satisfaction to our clients that we are the only addiction treatment program in Australia to offer an 11 day 100% money-back guarantee. Feel free to book a free recovery consultation to see how we can help
Using alcohol and drugs for extended periods of time has a massive impact on your biochemical functionality, in hand making the recovery process harder on a physiological level which significantly impacts cravings, production of happiness chemicals and mood destabilisation.
Because of this, we understand the importance of helping you to reset your biochemistry on a cellar level through testing and data feedback so that you reset your foundations, setting you up for long term success.
Contact us
If you want to know more about how we can help, find out more about the program or organise a FREE Recovery Strategy Consultation, give us a call or use the form to send us an email.
**Please note, it doesn’t matter were you are located in Australia we can help
588 Glen Huntly Rd
Elsternwick, Vic, 3185