Cocaine Rehab, A Different Approach
Feeling like you have a problem with Coke?
Has that feeling driven you to look at drug and alcohol rehab Melbourne? Private drug rehab Brisbane? Or luxury rehabs internationally and across Australia?
Wanting a solution, however, feeling like you can’t just check out of your life?
We get it.
Most of our clients who use cocaine are business people, professionals and individuals with a lot of responsibilities and pressure.
Usually the kind of people that can’t just go missing for a little while.
The good news…
We have another solution that causes zero life interruptions and gets results.
However, it’s important to act quickly. Because we all know the white powder obsession pendulum that has the power to drive high-functioning people mad (quite literally).
We have The Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort, on his steady cocaine diet crashing helicopters and sinking yachts.The 2009 Trinity Square TGI Fridays selling coke in napkins by the bagful to customers. And the famous first black American President admitting that “he did a little blow in his day”.
Cocaine can be an easy go-to.
It releases stress and can help with getting more work done for busy professionals.
However, for many, it gets out of control. Quickly. Creating the potential for those unlucky moments that can have lifelong consequences.
If your wage has become a glorified cocaine check and you want to take back control, we come at things a little differently…
You don’t have to go away and be locked in rehab to achieve change.
And this isn’t a life sentence; “you can go back to normal”.
We show people a simple way of living that helps create huge results.
We call it “Connection Based Living”.
Discover how we can help you create huge results with Connection Based Living.
Free Webinar...Give Up Cocaine Without Rehab
Want to learn how to give up cocaine without going to rehab and without having to give up life as you know it?
We have put together a FREE training teaching Connection Based Livings full proof recovery system.
To Register to the training Click Here or click the button below.

Contemporary addiction programs
Cocaine is one of the most romanticised drugs in society worldwide, yet Cocaine addiction affects millions worldwide.
Movies, songs, sportspeople, famous people, business people and the extraordinary euphoria it cultivates makes it one of the most addictive substances in the world.
Cocaine floods the brain with dopamine, leading to confidence, pleasure, and feelings of extreme euphoria (also known as the scarface effect).
Because of this pleasure and because cocaine is one of the quickest substances to flush out of peoples’ systems, cocaine becomes the drug of choice for functional users.
We have developed a tailored program for functional cocaine users. Click below to find out more.

Changing Your Cocaine Addiction Stories Into Something Positive
Long-term cocaine use can lead to a range of physical and mental health issues, including psychosis, paranoia, and complete inability to function without the drug.
Addressing cocaine addiction isn’t a life sentence, despite the standard rehab industry narrative that this is going to be something challenging to overcome and something you will battle for the rest of your life…
It’s just not right, and we would love to chat with you about our different approach and how you can make these simple changes.
We help people with cocaine addictive patterns transform out of those cycles through our cocaine addiction treatment (rehab without rehab) program…Growth Healing.
Growth Healing has a completely different approach. Book a free recovery consultation to find out more.
Do You Need To Change Your Relationship With Cocaine?
Due to the nature of cocaine use and its effects, it can be hard to tell if you have addictive patterns forming.
Below are some of the common signs and symptoms of cocaine addiction:
- Anxiety & Panic
- Depression or depressive episodes
- Slow cognitive function in the days after use
- Poor sleeping patterns
- Breakdown of important personal relationships
- Dishonesty and lying about the use
- Lack of energy
- Arguments with self about the use (yes, no, yes, no…YES)
- Regularly thinking about cocaine when not using cocaine
- Legal troubles or fines etc due to cocaine use
- Financial issues because of cocaine
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these signs or symptoms, we would recommend that you get in touch with us as this would indicate that some addictive patterns are starting to and/or have formed.
We would love to help and remember this isn’t a life sentence; you can continue leading a normal life.