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Alcohol & Drug Rehab Melbourne - Without Having To Go To Rehab
Change, Without Being Locked Away In A Rehab
” Change isn’t an event that happens in 28-90 days, (alcohol & drug rehab in Melbourne) it’s an overall change in lifestyle.
Connection Based Living’s addiction treatment programs are designed to help participants beat addictive patterns and achieve lasting change without having to be locked away in rehab. One of the key philosophies behind our service design and treatment method is that addiction doesn’t occur in an isolated retreat, and the solution doesn’t either. being able to work through addictive patterns amongst day to day life sets participants up for long term success for exactly that reason, it’s real life.
Our in-person contemporary coaching programs located in the inner city suburbs of Melbourne integrate with your life whilst teaching you the connection based living lifestyle so that you can achieve success and not interrupt your life. discover the range of cutting edge programs we offer below and continue to read on to understand critical must-know information about rehabilitation in Melbourne.
Melbourne: The Good and Bad of Drug Rehab & Alcohol Rehab
Drug addiction and alcohol addiction is a widespread problem that affects not only the person using drugs but also families and friends. For those who are struggling with drug addiction and alcohol addiction in Melbourne, there is a number of treatment options available, both public and private however unfortunately there has been much controversy due to unscrupulous rehab providers in Melbourne over the last decade.
Because of this Connection Based Living has been inspired to be leaders in the space, dedicated to capturing results and ensuring quality across our services in Melbourne and across the country.
As a result of all this, we want to outline some of the good and bad of drug and alcohol treatment in Melbourne.
We would suggest that you check out our article “What makes quality addiction treatment” for further information about what makes a great drug rehab program in Melbourne and how to ask probing questions to explore the best options for you moving forward in your journey.
Also, download the report below to arm yourself with the information, good and bad about the rehabilitation industry in Melbourne (it’s really a must so you get the full picture about what to do moving forward)
feel free to click the button below to explore Connection Based Livings programs.
4 Corners Exposing Report On The Melbourne Rehab Industry

5 Horrifying Dodgy Practices You Must Know Before Checking Into Rehab.
Free Report
Dear The Sober Curious And Caring Family Members,
If you are looking to get help with drug rehab in Melbourne (alcohol is included in this definition for ease of explanation in this content),
then this report above is going to be one of the most important things you’ll read this year.
Here’s why:
Firstly, this isn’t like other reports, it’s not just a bunch of meaningless words on PDF in order to get you to click. There’s no fluff or filler – just straight truth of the current rehab system and what you really need to know!
We have personally been through addiction and have also personally engaged in both public and private drug rehab in Melbourne,
And the thing is…
There are a lot’s of great treatment providers, however, there are a lot that are pretty below average and some that are downright horrifying…
Engaging in the best drug rehab in Melbourne for you or a loved one is a fantastic thing, however, it’s also a huge life decision that can be a stressful and highly emotional time.
This is why its so important to get it right, because if you don’t the consequences can be catastrophic…
Because of this stress, good marketing by private drug rehabs and the complexity of the public drug rehab system,
This decision can be challenging to make…
How do we know?… and who are we?…
Connection Based Living’s founder Jack Nagle had his own experience trying to get help and navigating the rehab system in his own journey of recovery.
Jack later worked, managed and owned treatment centres in both the Public and Private Australian Rehab sectors,
Only to later quit, after being horrified and saddened at some in the industries practices and lack lustier service delivery.
Full disclosure,
Connection Based Living is a private one-on-one addiction treatment program, and we believe that our program is the best in Australia,
however this is not why we are writing this report…
As a result of industry experience and having seen the industry first hand,
we believe the playing field needs to be levelled and people looking to engage in residential drug rehab in Melbourne should know a little more about the industry.
We want to arm people with some knowledge, let people know what to expect and some questions to ask,
to ensure they get the help they need and essentially don’t get ripped off in the process.
after all, you might not even need a residential program, the far majority of people we chat with gain more success from outpatient drug rehab in Melbourne. (Read our article “What Are The Benefits Of Outpatient Drug Rehab” for further info)
We don’t want to give the perception that the entire industry is bad because there are some good services, however,
the truth is a large percentage are shocking and we want to help you make an informed decision,
Because you deserve to get the help you need.
The report is easy to read and wastes no time in getting straight to the point.
Again this report will expose the horrifying practices that exist so that you can save yourself $1000’s and avoid wasting time with crappy services.
This report is yours free, just enter your details and hit the “download button” and the report will be in your inbox in no time.
Again, look out for number 1 & 4, they are especially horrifying.
Hope it helps
Evidence Matters
The Data Story About Drug Rehab In Melbourne
We not only want to give you our perspective on drug rehab in Melbourne, but we wanted to also show the hard data.
Below we have populated some key findings from the latest data collected in the National minimum data set on alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia from the Australian Institue of Health & Welfare.
As you can see from the data sets below for the number of closed treatment episodes for a clients own drug use by principal drug of concern, checking into rehab isn’t the most popular option across all the major drug categories.
We find that the solution to addiction is about connection across the 3-pillars that we promote (self, others & purpose) and finding that connection in a “false bubble” (rehab) is often not effective as it’s a pseudo environment.
Lots of evidence exists pointing to the effectiveness of embarking on change within a normal environment and we would encourage you to challenge the stereotypical approaches in order to get the best outcomes in your treatment journey.
Contact us
If you want to know more about how we can help, find out more about the program or organise a FREE Recovery Strategy Consultation, give us a call or use the form to send us an email.
**Please note, it doesn’t matter were you are located in Australia we can help
588 Glen Huntly Rd
Elsternwick, Vic, 3185